You must avoid had drugs and over indulgence of Alcohol.
Some people have to have something sweet every day or whatever it may be, but smoking Cigarette, dinking alcohol and getting high on drugs increases your chances of having a heart attack by ten times. These vices put such stress on the heart as well as put thinks into your blood that makes it more likely to clot and cause a heart attack or even a stroke. Drugs like coke, crake and even pot smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure. This causes your heart to work harder then it should and can weaken your heart to the point where you cant get out of bed and have to live the rest of your life hooked up to machines that have to pump your blood for you while you wait on a list for a heart transplant. This does not mean you can never drink or smoke the occasional grass, but if you want to keep healthy you must avoid had drugs and over indulgence of Alcohol.