
What it should be

According to Greek scientists at the annual congress of the American Society for the Study of hypertension (San Francisco, California) tea flavonoids reduce the adverse effect of caffeine on blood vessels.
The blood pressure in our body is always changing and it is part of the human physiology. It is very rare that someone's blood pressure is always the same. Because we are always active and we are always doing different things like eating, sitting, standing, walking, breathing, moving around and doing so many other things throughout a day.
It turned out that after taking tea systolic blood pressure (BP) increased stronger than after taking a caffeine: at 7.7. and 3.1 mm Art. Art. respectively (p <0.01)
Every time that we do something different, our blood pressure changes and it react to the different positions that we are in.
For the mean arterial pressure to allow an organ to operate the way that it should, it must be at around 60 mmHg. This is enough for an organ of the average size person as long as it is remains at this spot. If the value falls below the average, it means that there is not enough blood pumping into the organ and this will cause the organ to become alchemic. The result will be tissue damage to the organ.
Light physical activity should take a prominent place in the arsenal to combat hypertension
The mean arterial pressure should be checked and calculated on a regular basis.


Road noise increases blood pressure during a night of sleep

Klea Katsouyanni (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) and his colleagues argue that the road noise at night makes the sleeping person raising blood pressure during sleep, said LookInfo.org.ua. And this assertion is just, even if the noise does not wakes sleeping.
Greek scientists was held HYENA study, which involved 140 patients living in areas adjacent to the four major European airports. Participants study conducted daily monitoring of blood pressure with a 15 - minute intervals, with the bed next to each survey was also noise meter.

Results of this study show that in the case of SAD raise noise increased by an average of 6.2 mm but art, and DAD - to 7.4 mm but art. Also hanging was fixed at 5.4 CHSS blow in a minute, but this fact was not credible.


Lonely means hypertension

That "little man" when he alone, has long been known. But that is so bad that it is fixed appliances, and found scientists from Chicago, issledovavshie 229 Americans between the ages of 50-68 years.

53% suffered from loneliness in a moderate degree, and 15% felt totally alone.

A recent top rate has been higher blood pressure in the 10-30 mm ankle

The dependence of pressure rise of loneliness has been just as strong as the known relationship between hypertension and obesity, as well as hypertension and the same lack of physical activity.


Blood Pressure Monitor

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What is truly important in life.

How Drug And Alcohol Abuse Affect An Addicts Ability To Parent
Many people wonder how a person like Britney Spears, who appears to have it all, would enter into the world of addiction. Non-addicts have difficulty understanding how Britney Spears can choose to get "high" over parenting her own children. Britney Spears with the help of the media is showing the world how an addict loses all sense of purpose and what is truly important in life.


The researchers hypothesize that Tibetans have a genetic mutation

The low barometric pressure of high altitudes generally causes low arterial oxygen content among Tibetans, yet the researchers have found that Tibetans consume oxygen at normal rates.
How can some people live at high altitudes and thrive while others struggle to obtain enough oxygen to function?The answer for Tibetans who live at altitudes around 14,000 feet is increased nitric oxide (NO) levels. High levels of NO circulate in various forms in the blood and produce the physiological mechanisms that cause the increased blood flow that maintains oxygen delivery despite hypoxia -- low levels of oxygen in the ambient air and the bloodstream.
In this research, blood flow is determined by the length, number and width of the diameter of blood vessels.


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Choosing A Drug Rehab Program That Works For You.
The goal of a drug rehab is to enable you or your loved one to live a life free from the effects of drugs. But since not all programs work the same for everyone, a successful rehabilitation depends on choosing the right drug rehab program for your circumstances.